Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Dungeons and Dragons 5e? One of the first things you’ll need to do is determine your starting wealth and equipment. But with so many options and rules to consider, it can be overwhelming for both new and experienced players.
That’s why we’ve created this comprehensive guide and tips for starting wealth in DnD 5e, to help you make informed decisions and create a balanced character that is ready for anything.
As you delve into this article, think about the freedom that comes with creating your own character and making choices that will impact your gameplay. With the right starting wealth and equipment, you’ll have the tools you need to overcome challenges and explore new worlds.
So let’s dive in and discover the best ways to determine your starting gold, select equipment, and balance resources and magic items for an exciting and successful adventure in DnD 5e.
Key Takeaways
- Starting wealth and equipment are crucial for overcoming challenges and exploring new worlds in DnD 5e.
- There are various options for determining starting gold, including rolling dice, taking standard equipment, or trading unwanted items for comparable value.
- Background and equipment options impact starting equipment and resources, with a table of starting equipment options and gold value for each background.
- Acquiring resources and magic items can greatly impact the balance and success of the adventure, but they should not be relied on as the sole means of success. Guidelines for expected number of magic items at each tier of play are provided, along with other ways to acquire magic items, such as through connections or quests.
Determining Starting Gold
Class | Starting Gold |
Barbarian | 2d4 x 10 gp |
Bard | 5d4 x 10 gp |
Cleric | 5d4 x 10 gp |
Druid | 2d4 x 10 gp |
Fighter | 5d4 x 10 gp |
Monk | 5d4 gp |
Paladin | 5d4 x 10 gp |
Ranger | 5d4 x 10 gp |
Rogue | 4d4 x 10 gp |
Sorcerer | 3d4 x 10 gp |
Warlock | 4d4 x 10 gp |
Wizard | 4d4 x 10 gp |
You may determine your starting gold in DnD 5e by either rolling dice or taking standard equipment. The third homebrew option of trading in unwanted items for comparable value is also available.
Rolling dice involves rolling a specific number of dice determined by your class and adding the results together to get your starting gold.
The standard equipment option provides you with a list of items based on your chosen background, but you can also trade in some items for gold if you prefer.
Choosing how to determine your starting gold can be a fun and exciting way to start your DnD adventure. Rolling dice can add an element of chance and unpredictability while choosing your own equipment can give you more control over your character’s starting resources.
Whichever option you choose, make sure to consult with your DM to ensure that it aligns with the game’s overall balance and rules.
Background and Equipment Options

Your character’s chosen background can impact the starting equipment they receive, providing additional options and resources for your adventure.
Each background comes with a set of starting equipment, but players can also choose to roll for their starting wealth or take the standard equipment option.
The standard equipment option provides players with a set of gear that is appropriate for their class and background, but they can also choose to customize their equipment by using the gold value provided by their background.
The following table shows the starting equipment options for each background and the gold value that can be used to purchase gear instead.
Keep in mind that the starting equipment and gold value are meant to be balanced for the character’s level, so choose wisely based on your playstyle and character concept.
Don’t be afraid to get creative with your starting equipment and think about how it can be used to enhance your character’s abilities and backstory.
Background | Starting Equipment | Gold Value |
Acolyte | Holy symbol, prayer book or prayer wheel, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, common clothes, 15 gp | 15 gp |
Charlatan | Set of weighted dice, deck of marked cards, signet ring of an imaginary duke, costume, 15 gp | 15 gp |
Criminal | Crowbar, 10 feet of rope, leather armor, dagger, thieves’ tools, 15 gp | 15 gp |
Entertainer | Musical instrument, the favor of an admirer, costume, 15 gp | 15 gp |
Folk Hero | Shovel, iron pot, common clothes, 10 gp, a small trinket to remember your past life | 10 gp |
Remember that your starting equipment is just the beginning of your adventure. As you progress through the game, you’ll have the opportunity to acquire new gear and resources that can help you on your quest.
Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and use your equipment creatively; always be on the lookout for new opportunities to acquire more wealth and resources. With the right starting equipment and a bit of luck, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a legendary hero in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.
Impact of Resources and Magic Items

Acquiring resources and magic items can greatly impact the balance and success of your adventure in Dungeons & Dragons. As you progress through the levels, you may find that certain encounters or challenges become easier or more difficult depending on the resources at your disposal.
For example, having access to a healing potion or a powerful magical weapon can make all the difference in a tough battle. However, it’s important to remember that magic items are meant to be additional help, not necessary for survival.
While the rules provide guidelines for the expected number of magic items at each tier of play, there are other ways to acquire these valuable resources.
Perhaps your character has a history with a wealthy merchant who can provide rare items for a price. Or, maybe you have a connection to the Thieves Guild and can acquire items through less than legal means. Owed favors or quests can also lead to valuable rewards.
Just remember, while magic items can be a great help, they shouldn’t be relied on as the sole means of success in your adventure.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some ways to balance the distribution of magic items among players in a DnD 5e campaign?
Balance magic item distribution by creating opportunities for players to earn them through quests, challenges, and exploration. Allow players to choose items that fit their character’s playstyle and backstory. Encourage sharing and trading to ensure everyone has necessary resources.
Are there any guidelines for determining the value of unwanted items when using the homebrew option to trade in equipment for starting gold?
You can determine the value of unwanted items when trading for starting gold by comparing them to items of similar rarity and usefulness. This homebrew option allows for more customization and flexibility in character creation.
How do starting wealth and equipment options differ for characters created with the point-buy system instead of rolling for ability scores?
Creating a DnD character through the point-buy system affects starting wealth and equipment options. The background still determines starting wealth for standard equipment, but the value of unwanted items may be different. Consider resources beyond just starting wealth and items for character development.
Can players trade or sell magic items they acquire in-game, and if so, how does this affect their starting wealth?
You can sell or trade magic items in-game, but it may affect your starting wealth. It’s a euphemistic way to say that you have the freedom to do so, and it’s informative and engaging for those who want to know more.
How do background and resource options impact a character’s starting wealth and equipment beyond the standard options provided in the rulebook?
Customizing your character’s background and resources can greatly impact your starting wealth and equipment in DnD 5e. Options like history with merchants or membership in a Thieves Guild can provide additional items or funds, beyond the standard rules.